Display all 250 messages on my gmail inbox mail
Display all 250 messages on my gmail inbox mail

display all 250 messages on my gmail inbox mail

Remove $mydomain from the mydestination list in the configuration file /etc/postfix/ using a text editor. In case the domain name is there, to process as an external domain, $mydomain removal from the postfix configuration is required:Ĭreate a backup of the current Postfix configuration /etc/postfix/ For additional information, see the official postfix documentation. Mydestination parameter contains the list of domains that are delivered via the $local_transport mail delivery transport. Mydestination = localhost, localhost.localdomain, localhost.$mydomain, $mydomain = If the previous steps did not help, check the postfix configuration: # plesk bin subscription -list | while read i do plesk bin mail -off $i & echo "Mail service for $i subscription has been disabled" done

display all 250 messages on my gmail inbox mail

To disable the mail service for every subscription on the server, use the following command: Mail service on the subscription can also be disabled using the mail utility:

display all 250 messages on my gmail inbox mail

Or disable mail service at the subscription level going to Subscriptions > Mail tab > Mail Settings tab > Select domains from the subscription > Click on Activate/Deactivate Services. Go to Domains > Mail Settings and uncheck Activate mail service on this domain and click OK. User unknown (in reply to MAIL FROM command))ĭisable the mail service per domain or subscription: (#5.7.17)).ĬONFIG_TEXT: There was an error sending your message: Message could not be delivered - the address was not found, is unknown, or is not receiving messages.ĬONFIG_TEXT: 550 5.1.1. (#5.7.17)ĬONFIG_TEXT: Error SMTP (500): The following recipient could not be reached (sorry, no mailbox here by that name. Returned:550 sorry, no mailbox here by that name. Check you have access to send messages via the server and that all To/CC/BCC addresses are validĮrror: SMTP Server rejected email. In webmail, the following error might occur:ĬONFIG_TEXT: Could not send message to SMTP server. # tail -f /usr/local/psa/var/log/maillog | grep 'unknown in virtual mailbox'ĥ50 5.1.1 Recipient address rejected: User unknown in virtual mailbox table postfix-local: cannot chdir to mailname dir contact: No such file or directoryĮ postfix-local: Unknown user: ME-E0103: Local Delivery: Failure - Domain for is locally serviced, but recipient is not defined in address map. Attempts to send a message from the Plesk server to a mailbox on fails with one of the errors below:

Display all 250 messages on my gmail inbox mail